This is the last of the 5 Leg adductor muscles!
ADDUCTOR MAGNUS aka "the 4th hamstring"
Why the 4th hamstring? Because your three hamstrings all originate from the same place on your pelvis: the ischial tuberosity. And one of the origins of Adductor Magnus is.....the ischial tuberosity (aka 'sits bone' - you know that bony bump you feel in each butt cheek when you sit? Or more obviously, when a child sits on your lap?)

Adductor Magnus is ALSO the only Adductor muscle to ALSO perfom the muscle action of LEG EXTENSION - like it's friends the Hamstrings! (hamstrings coming soon to muscle monday!)

Muscle Attachment Points:
Adductor Magnus has TWO points of origin ( aka two 'heads' - holy magnus! One origin is more anterior - closer to front of thigh - and one is more posterior) and TWO points of insertion on the femur (thigh bone)
Origin: anterior head: inferior ramus* of pubis, and the ramus of ischium
(see the pink area of the pelvis above - the first image)
post head: ischial tuberosity (see yellow area on pelvis - aka sits bone!)
Insertion: anterior head: gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera & the medial supracondylar line of the femur ((all fancy for 'various bony lines and bony bump on the inner thigh bone))
posterior head: adductor tubercle* of the femur
*In Latin ramus refers to a branch. For example the ramus of pubis is the branch (extension) of the pubic bone.
* tubercle just means bony bump where muscle attaches
Adductor Magnus Muscle Action (s):
Adduction of the thigh/leg at the hip joint
Extension of the the thigh/leg at the hip joint
We all know Adduction now right? (bring the leg toward/across the midline of the body) :
And here is Extension:
And that's all the ADDUCTORS!!!
The other Hip/Leg Adductors are: Pectineus, Gracilis, Adductor Longus, and Adductor Brevis.
Moving on down the leg! Can't decide between quads or hams - stayyyyy tuned!