"New Years are for 'rounding up things from the year that just ended, non?"
Every Sunday since the end of September 2014 I've been sharing my own form of "self care" on my facebook page I got the round-up blog post idea because all these self-care posts were just getting lost in the feed! And goshdarnit I'm proud of them!
Proud that I've remembered to do it each Sunday (the weekly phone reminder doesn't hurt ;)
And also that I've managed to do something different each week
(the 'think outside the box ones ;)
So yeah, Sundays were already special to me because it is the ONE DAY I don't set an alarm or ever plan anything major and I don't give anyone any treatment (Massage or Reflexology)
:) :) :) Sounds awesome already doesn't it? :) :) :)
It all started on ...
Sept. 28th
Paddle Boating at Dows Lake
"Today I finally tried paddle-boating at Dow's Lake (!) some much needed & appreciated sunshine and exercise - with the leaves changing colour - it's Gorgeous there right now. I left feeling rejuvenated!"
Sunday Oct. 5th
made a big batch of Kicharee! This ancient
healing dish is YUM - put my own spin on it by adding black beans,
sweet potato, and
cinnamon. "
cinnamon. "
Recipe HERE
Sunday October 12th
"Whatever you're doing this weekend - remember your SELF. Taking a moment to read in a sun beam with a little purring dude.
Also I can't recommend
this book enough !!!"
"Confession : I couldn't remember my last Massage so I finally took the time to RECEIVE! And I feel Amazing. What a weight off! Why did I wait so long - I am now going to practice what I preach - 'Monthly Maintenance' - at least (!) THANK YOU Devin Johnstone, RMT"
October 26th
"A Hot Epsom Salt Bath is
one of my absolute favourite forms of selfcare - I have at least one per week. I plan to do a whole post some day dedicated to the epsom salt bath :)"
November 2nd
"Have you ever tried the infrared sauna at Sage Wellness? I've never sweat so much in my life (one simply MUST stay hydrated whilst ) I always feel so light and free afterwards."
So far pretty traditional forms of self-care right?
Here's where I start 'getting creative' with my self care so as not to repeat!
November 9th
"Clean up day! Ever notice that inner calm you feel after a good cleaning/organizing session? They say our environment is a reflection of our mind so - yah! Self Care Sunday - from the outside -in !"
November 16th
"In Toronto visiting my sister and seeing her show 'Sextet' at Tarragon Theatre! Already feeling so refreshed just being in a different city and seeing T.O friends :) "
"Inside before the show. I just love the energy inside a theatre - always have! And I always leave feeling inspired and full of life!"
November 23rd
"What feels better than family brunch, little-ones infectious creative energy, and colouring books! It's quite soothing :) "
November 30th
"sleeping in with le chat - apparently cats lower our blood pressure !"
8 benefits of being a cat owner
December 14th:
"I'm often craving time in nature - so grateful for friends who live outside the city in gorgeous houses ;) - a lil' country getaway!"
December 21st:
"Shared this video about choosing wisely when it comes to health care - I found it refreshing!"
December 28th
"another country getaway lucky me! Feelin' fresh after a nature walk with mum. I've heard (and believe!) that it's impossible to walk in nature and be in a bad mood at the same time -_-"
And that's it for 2014! In conclusion, Self Care Sunday continues!
Not only has it got me in the habit of considering myself and taking some 'me-time' at least once a week, I'm inspired to keep trying new ways and forms of self-care, but also would love to what others are doing! Please don't hesitate to share your own self care on my facebook page :)
Not only has it got me in the habit of considering myself and taking some 'me-time' at least once a week, I'm inspired to keep trying new ways and forms of self-care, but also would love to what others are doing! Please don't hesitate to share your own self care on my facebook page :)